35 Years
BEL Environmental Engineering, LLC – 1 Year
Cornerstone/Tetra Tech – 14 Years
Engineering Properties – 1 Year
The Chazen Companies – 3 Years
Tectonic Engineering – 7 Years
Wehran Engineering – 7 Years
Lanc & Tully Engineering – 2 Years
Architectural Technology, 1986 – Orange County Community College
Mr. Waizenegger has extensive experience and knowledge of landfill design, layout, and permitting
He is proficient in AutoDesk Civil 3D, Transoft Autoturn, and Smartdraft.
He has extensive experience in civil/environmental design and computer aided design (CAD) specifically applied to planning, design, and construction of landfill development – phasing plans, basegrades, perimeter berms, ground surface generation, and waste volume generation
He has vast experience in Transfer Station and Material Recovery Facility design and layout
Mr. Waizenegger has managed a CAD team consisting of 15 designers across 3 offices. Responsibilities include managing, mentoring, and development of junior and senior designers
He has developed and implemented standards and guidelines for the installation and use of CAD for more than 100 designers
Apex Landfill, Nevada – Landfill Phasing Plans
Waste grading lift design and layout, waste surface creation, 3D Phasing Animation.
Brookhaven Landfill, New Jersey
Cell Design and layout – access road layout, base grade layout, leachate conveyance infrastructure layout, stormwater infrastructure layout, base grade surface creation, various detailing.
Cape May Landfill, New Jersey
Landfill Sequencing Plans – waste grading lift design and layout, waste surface creation.
Cedar Trails Landfill, Florida
Cell Design and layout – base grade layout, leachate conveyance infrastructure layout, base grade surface creation.
City Carting, Somers Sanitation Facility, New York
Recycling/Transfer Station Design and layout – Recycling Facility Site layout and design, site grading and surface creation, leachate and stormwater layout and design, erosion and sediment control layout, various detailing.
Cricket Valley Energy Center, New York
Site Remediation and Restoration – Site Plan Layout, Waste Pile Remediation Grading Plans, Final Cover Layout, Stormwater infrastructure Layout.
Ford Motor Company, Ringwood Mines Remediation, New Jersey
Site Remediation and Restoration – Site Plan Layout, Waste Pile Remediation Grading Plans, Final Cover Layout, Wetlands Remediation and Restoration Plan, Stormwater, Site, and Soil Erosion Detailing.
Monmouth County Landfill, New Jersey
Cell Design and layout, MRF Conversion – access road layout, base grade layout, leachate conveyance infrastructure layout, stormwater infrastructure layout, base grade surface creation, various detailing; Site Plan Layout, Floor Plan demolition, design and layout, Building Elevations, Site Detailing, Soil Erosion Detailing.
Ocean County Landfill, New Jersey
Cell Design and layout – access road layout, base grade layout, leachate conveyance infrastructure layout, stormwater infrastructure layout, base grade surface creation, various detailing.
Sullican County Landfill Material Recovery Facility, New York
Material Recover Facility Construction Plans – Access Road layout, Site Plan Layout, Floor Plan design and layout, Building Elevations, Site Detailing, Soil Erosion Detailing.
Sunny Farms Landfill, Ohio
Cell Design and layout, Phasing Plans – access road layout, base grade layout, leachate conveyance infrastructure layout, stormwater infrastructure layout, base grade surface creation, various detailing; waste grading lift design and layout, waste surface creation.