18 Years
BEL Environmental Engineering, LLC – 4 Years
Republic Services, Inc. – 7.5 Years
Cornerstone Environmental Group – 3.5 Years
City of Tucson Environmental Services – 3 Years
Master of Science in Geography/GIS, Ohio University, 2007
Bachelor of Science in Geosciences, University of Arizona, 2004
Hazardous/Toxic Waste Management
State of KY Certified Landfill Manager
SWANA Certified Manager of Landfill Operations (MOLO)
40-hour HAZWOPER & 8-Hour Refresher
Mr. Deborde has extensive experience managing all aspects of a landfill, including operations, design, planning, construction, compliance, maintenance, and post-closure care
He manages projects in all three of BEL’s lines of business (LOBs) – compliance, engineering, and CQA. In addition, he heads the compliance LOB and has driven its growth year over year
Mr. Deborde drove the development of engineering and environmental solutions as an Owner representative for assets encompassing approximately 4,000 acres of real property and including five (5) open and closed Subtitle D landfills, one (1) closed Subtitle C landfill, four (4) transfer stations, six (6) hauling companies, and a wastewater treatment plant
Forestlawn Disposal Sanitary Landfill, Clearfield County, PA
Worked with the PADEP to successfully end the post-closure care period 5 years early at the facility. Through communication and demonstration, the facility was proven to be in an environmentally stable condition and PADEP released the facility from post-closure care requirements.
Epperson Waste Disposal, Williamstown, KY
Successfully pursued a Major Permit Modification with KYDWM to swap permitted airspace from a future 7-acre cell to existing landfill footprint, saving approximately $2.5M in capital. Oversaw the completion of 1 landfill disposal cell, 1 landfill final cap, a 256,000-gallon leachate tank associated lift station and 2,000 LF of 8” piping, and eight (8) gas collection and control system (GCCS) expansion events, including the installation of a 3,000 scfm open flare and 100 hp air compressor.
Benson Valley Landfill, Frankfort, KY
Managed the completion of 1 disposal cell and 1 final cap construction. Completed five (5) GCCS expansion events, including over 1,100 LF of 24” header, 500 LF of 18” header, 500 LF of 12” header, and 4,000 LF of air and forcemain. Successfully released the site from an odor consent order with the State of KY and was able to eliminate permit conditions imposed on the site due to historical odor issues.
CECOS Aber Road Landfill, Williamsburg, OH
Successfully reduced the operating and treatment costs for the onsite wastewater treatment plant by approximately $4M for the remaining years of the sites post-closure care period. Worked closely with OEPA and county air district to eliminate the site’s air permit, decommission the GCCS, and significantly reduce the requirements in the explosive gas monitoring plan.
Sycamore Landfill, Hurricane, WV
Oversaw the completion of 3 landfill disposal cells and five (5) GCCS expansion events, including the installation of a 2,500 scfm open flare. In lieu of the construction of a new leachate tank, oversaw the complete rebuild and repair of an existing 300,000-gallon leachate tank, saving approximately $1M in capital. Negotiated an agreement with the local WWTP to directly discharge leachate from the site into the sewer line instead of hauling off-site for disposal.
Evendale Transfer Station, Evendale, OH
Managed the engineering, demolition, and rebuild of 2-6” of concrete overlay for approximately 10,000 sf of tipping floor. Work was accomplished during a 3 day period in order to minimize downtime and impacts to operations. Successfully negotiated an agreement with the local WWTP to directly discharge leachate from the site into the sewer line instead of hauling off-site for disposal.